List of Ibn al-Haytham’s Works According to Ibn Abi Usaybi'ah

Without any doubt, another great physicist of all time is a scientist born in AD 965 who went by the name of Ibn al-Haytham (al-Khalili, 2009). He is one of the most distinguished and a prolific mathematician in the medieval Islamic science (Sabra, 2003). As a devout Muslim, Ibn al-Haytham spent most of his life trying to be the best servant of God (Steffens, 2007). Therefore, according to Ibn Abi Usaybi’ah, Ibn al-Haytham was good-hearted, very intelligent and innovative concerning the sciences. He was always busy, prolific in writing, very pious and benevolent in doing good deeds (Hillowala, 2000).

Ibn al-Haytham’s works was about 182 titles (Salik, 2008). He wrote on philosophical sciences which comprised of mathematics, natural sciences and theology or metaphysics. Specifically, his writings also include in the field of arithmetic, astronomy, music, ethics, politics and poetry (Sabra, 2003). However, according to Rashed (2013), the information regarding the works of Ibn al-Haytham in Ibn Abi Usaybiah’s ‘Uyun al-Anba’ fi Tabaqat al-Atibba’ might be wrong. This is because of the confusion between these two persons: Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham and al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham (Rashed, 2013). Nevertheless, Rashed (2013) did not proves his statement according to historical and biobibliographical research.

Readers may take a look on Ibn al-Haytham’s works below. The list comes from Hillowala’s (2000) translation of fourteenth chapter of ‘Uyun al-Anba’ fi Tabaqat al-Atibba’. Whereas the categorization is made by myself based on title of the writing, not from its content. May Allah bless Ibn al-Haytham’s efforts and it became his ‘ibadah because of his sincerity in gaining knowledge, as what he says:

I decided to discover what it is that brings us closer to God, what pleases Him most, and what makes us submissive to His ineluctable Will.” (Steffens, 2007)

Title (Arabic transliterated)
Title (English translation)
Until Dhu al-Hijjah 417 A.H.
Syarh usul Uqlidis fi al-handasah wa al-‘adad wa talkhisihi
Explanation of the principles of Euclid concerning geometry and numbers and its abridgment
Kitab jama‘tu fihi al-usul al-handasiyyah wa al-‘adadiyyah min kitab Uqlidis wa Batlamyus wa nuwatu fihi al-usul wa qasamtuha wa burhantu ‘alayha bi barahin nazamtuha min al-amur al-ta‘limiyyah wa al-hissiyah wa al-mantiyyah hatta intizam dhalika ma’a intiqad tawali Uqlidis wa Abluniyus
Book in which I gathered geometrical and arithmetical principles from the books of Euclid and Ptolemy and enumerated the principles, divided them and demonstrated them with proofs that I classified as the instructive, sensory or physical and logical matters until it conformed with the refutation following Euclid and Apollonius
Syarh al-Majusti wa talkhisihi syarhan wa talkkisan burhaniyan
Explanation of the Almagest and its compilation, explanation, abridging and proving
Kitab al-jami‘ usul al-hisab
Comprehensive book on principles of arithmetic
Kitab lakhastu fihi ‘ilm al-manazir min kitabay Uqlidis wa Batlamyus wa tamamtuhu bi ma’ni al-maqalah al-ula al-mufqudah min kitab Batlamyus
Book in which I summarized the science of optics from two books of Euclid and Ptolemy and completed with the meanings of the lost first article from the book of Ptolemy
Kitab fi tahlil al-masa’il al-handasiyyah
Book concerning the analysis of geometrical problems
Kitab fi tahlil al-masa’il al-‘adadiyah bi jihah al-jabar wa al-maqabalah mubarhanan
Book concerning the analysis of the arithmetical problems from the standpoint of algebra as proof
Kitab jama‘tu fihi al-qawl ‘ala tahlil al-masa’il al-handasiyyah wa al-‘adadiyyah jami’an
Book in which I gathered together the discourse on the analysis of geometric and arithmetical problems
Kitab fi al-misahah ‘ala jiha al-usul
Book concerning the principles of measurement
Kitab fi hisab al-mu‘amilat
Book concerning the calculation of accounting
Maqalah fi ijarat al-hufur wa al-abniyyah yajmi’ah al-ashkal al-handasiyyah hata balaghtu fi dhalika ila ashkal qutu’ al-makhnit al-thalithah: al-makafi’ wa al-za’id wa al-naqis
Commentary concerning carrying out the excavations and buildings in all of their geometric forms, until I reached the forms of the three conic sections: the parabola, the hyperbola and the ellipse
Talkhis maqalat Abluniyus fi qutu’ al-makhrutat
Summary of the commentaries of Apollonius on conic sections
Maqalah fi al-hisab al-Hindi
Commentary on Indian arithmetic
Maqalah fi istikhraj samt al-qiblah fi jami‘ al-maskunah
Commentary on deriving the direction of the qiblah in the whole world
Maqalah fi ma tad’u ilayhi hajah al-umur al-Syari‘ah min alumur al-handasiyyah wa layastaghni ‘anhu bi syay’ siwahu
Commentary concerning that which is needed in Syari‘ah matters of geometrical matters and cannot be dispensed with
Risalah ila ba’d al-ru’asa’ fi al-hath ‘ala ‘amal al-rasd al-nujumi
Treatise to some chiefs urging them to pursue astronomical observation
Kitab fi al-madkhal ila al-umur al-handasiyyah
Book on an introduction to geometrical matters
Maqalah fi intiza’ al-burhan ‘ala anna al-qata’ al-za’id wa al-khatan al-ladhan la yaliyanahu yaqtariban abadan wa layaltaqiyan
Commentary concerning the controversy of proof that the hyperbola and two parallel lines always approach but do not meet
Ajwabah sab’a masa’il ta‘limiyyah su’itu ‘anha bi Baghdad faajabtu
Answers to seven instructive problems which I was asked about in Baghdad and answered
Kitab fi tahlil wa al-tarkib al-handasiyyin ‘ala jiha al-tamthil li al-muta’alimin wa-huwwah majmu’ masa’il handasiyyah wa ‘adadiyyah halaltuha wa rakabtuha
Book concerning analysis and geometrical composition as a way of creating examples for learners and it is a collection of geometric and arithmetical problems which I set up and solved
Kitab fi alah al-zill ikhtasartu wa lakhastu min kitab Ibrahim ibn Sinan fi dhalika
Book concerning the instrument of the tangent which I condensed and summarized from the book of Ibrahim ibn Sinan
Maqalah fi istikhraj ma bayna baladayn fi al-bu’d bijihah al-umur al-handasiyyah
Commentary concerning the extrapolation of what is between two places in the distance using geometry
Maqalah fi usul al-masa’il al-‘adadiyyah al-sum wa tahliliha
Commentary on the principles of irrational arithmetical problems and their solutions
Maqalah fi hal syak radan ‘ala Uqlidis fi al-maqalah al-khamisah min kitabihi fi al-usul al-riyadiyyah
Commentary on the dissolution of doubt refuting Euclid in the fifth article of his book on mathematical principles
Risalah fi burhan al-syakl aladhi qadamahu Arshimidis fi qismah al-zawiyah thalathah aqsam wa lam yabrahan ‘alayhi
Treatise concerning the proof of form which Archimedes presented concerning the dividing of an angle into three parts but he did not prove it
Talkhis madkhal Farfuriyus wa kutub Aristutalis al-arba‘ah al-mantiqiyyah
Summary of the introduction of Porphyry and four books of Aristotle on logics
Ikhisar talkhis madkhal Farfuriyus wa kutub Aristutalis al-sab‘ah al-mantiqiyyah
Abridgment of the summary of the Introduction of Porphyry and seven books of Aristotle on logics
Risalah fi sina’ah al-syi‘ir mamtazajah min al-yunani wa al-‘arabi
Treatise on the composition of poetry, a mixture of Greek and Arabic
Talkhis kitab al-nafs li Aristutalis
Summary of the book of the soul by Aristotle
Maqalah fi mashakilah al-‘alam al-juz’i wa huwwah al-insan li al-‘alam al-kuli
Commentary on the microcosm and that it is the macrocosm
Maqalatan fi al-qiyas wa shabahahu
Commentaries on analogy and what resembles it
Maqalah fi al-burhan
Commentary on proof
Maqalah fi al-‘alam min jihah mabdi’hi wa tabi’atihi wa kalamihi
Commentary on the universe from the standpoint of its beginning, its nature and its perfection
Maqalah fi al-mabadi’ wa al-mawjudat
Commentary on the beginnings and the creations
Maqalah fi hay’ah al-‘alam
Commentary on the form of the universe
Kitab fi al-rad ‘ala Yahya al-Nahwi wa-ma naqadahu ‘ala Aristutalis wa ghayrahu min aqwalihim fi al-sama’ wa al-‘alam
Book concerning the refutation of Yahya al-Nahwi and what he disproved of Aristotle and others concerning their statements on the sky and universe
Risalah ila ba’d min nazara fi hadha al-naqd fa syakkah fi ma’an min hal syukukihi wa-ma’rafah dhalika min fahmihi
Treatise to one who looked into this refutation and doubted its meanings which one would dissolve the doubts and know it from understanding it
Kitab fi al-rad ‘ala Abi al-Hasan ‘Ali ibn al-‘Abbas ibn Fasanjas naqdahu ara’ al-munajimin
Book on the refutation of Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali ibn al-‘Abbas ibn Fasanjas which is his denial of the views of astronomers
Jawab ma ajaba bihi Abu al-Hasan ibn Fasanjas naqd min ‘aradahu fi kalamihi ‘ala al-munajimin
Answer of Abu al-Hasan ibn Fasanjas refuting those who disagreed with him on his discourse on astrologers
Maqalah fi al-fadl wa al-fadil
Commentary on benevolence and the benevolent
Maqalah fi tashwiq al-insan ila al-mawt bi-hasab kalam al-awa’il
Commentary on enticing humanity towards death according to the discourse of the ancients
Risalah ukhra fi hadha al-ma’na bi-hasab kalam al-muhadithin
Treatise on this meaning according to discourse of the contemporaries
Risalah fi butlan ma yarahu al-mutakalimun min anna Allah lam yazal ghayr fa‘il thumma fa‘ala
Treatise on the falsehood that theologians think that God is inactive then He acts
Maqalah fi kharij al-sama’ la firagh wa la mala’
Commentary concerning what is beyond the heavens is neither empty nor filled
Maqalah fi al-rad ‘ala Abi Hashim ra’is al-Mu‘tazilah ma takalama bihijawami’ kitab al-sama’ al-‘alam li Aristutalis
Commentary concerning the refutation of Abu Hashim, head of the Mu‘tazilah and what he said about the book of the heavens and universe by Aristotle
Qawl fi tabayin madhha bayna al-jabarin wa al-munajimin
Discourse on the differences of the methods of the algebrists and the astronomers
Talkhis al-masa’il al-tabi‘iyyah li Aristutalis
Summary of the physics problems of Aristotle
Natural Sciences
Risalah fi tafdil al-Ahwaz ‘ala Baghdad min jihah al-umur al-tabi‘iyyah
Treatise concerning the preference of Ahwaz over Baghdad from the standpoint of physical matters
Natural Sciences
Risalah ila kafah ahl al-‘ilm fi ma‘na mashaghib shaghibuh
Treatise to all people of science concerning the meaning of these two words: Mushaghib and Shaghibuh
Maqalah fi anna jihah idrak al-haqa’iq jiha wahidah
Commentary concerning that the path of attaining truths is one path
Maqalah fi anna al-burhan ma‘na wahid wa innama yasta’milu sina’iyan fi al-umur al-handasiyyah wa kalamiyan fi al-umur al-tabi‘iyyah wa al-alahiyah
Commentary concerning that the proof has meaning but is used practically in geometrical matters and theoretically in physical and metaphysical matters
Maqalah fi tabi‘ahtay al-alam wa al-ladhah
Commentary concerning the two natures of pain and pleasure
Maqalah fi taba’i al-ladhat al-thalath al-hasiyyah wa al-natqiyyah wa al-ma’adalah
Commentary concerning the natures of three pleasures: the sensory, the rational and the balance
Maqalah fi itfaq al-hayawan al-natiq ‘ala al-sawab ma’ikhilafihim fi al-maqasid wa al-ighrad
Commentary concerning the agreement of rational animals on what is correct despite their differences on intent and goals
Risalah fi anna burhan al-khulf yasir burhan istiqamah bihudud wahidah
Treatise on that proof of disagreement becomes a straightforward proof with unified limits
Kitab fi tathbit ihkam al-nujum bi-jihah al-burhan
Book on the confirmation of the systems of the stars from the standpoint of proof
Risalah fi al-‘imar wa al-ajal al-kawniyyah
Treatise on living beings’ universal endings
Risalah fi tabi‘ah al-‘aql
Treatise on the nature of reason
Kitab fi al-naqd ‘ala man ra’a anna al-adlah mutakaji’ah
Book on the denial of one who believes that the proofs are equal
Qawl fi ithbat ‘ansar al-imtina’
Discourse on the proving of elements of impossibility
Naqd jawab mas’alah ‘anha ba’d al-Mu‘tazilah bi al-Basrah
Refutation of the answer of a question about which some Mu‘tazilah in Basra asked
Kitab fi sina’ah al-kitabah ‘ala awda’ wa usulihim
Book concerning the art of the writing about the circumstances of the ancients and their principles
‘Ahd ila al-kutab
Oath to the scribes
Maqalah fi anna fa’il hadha al-‘alam innama ya’lim dhathu min jihah fa‘alahu
Commentary concerning that the doer in this world makes himself known by means of action
Jawab qawl li ba’d al-mantaqin fi ma’an khaliffiha min al-umur al-tabi‘iyyah
Answer to a discourse by one of the logicians concerning the meanings which differed concerning the natural fundamentals
Risalah fi talkhis jawhar al-nafs al-kuliyyah
Treatise on the abridgment of the universal essence of the soul
Risalah fi ra’i Aristutalis anna al-quwah al-madbarah hayyah min badan al-insan fi al-qalb minhu
Treatise concerning the affirmation of the opinion of Aristotle that the directing force of the body of mankind is in the heart
Risalah fi Jawab mas’alah su’ilah ‘anha Ibn al-Sama’ al-Baghdadi al-mantaqifa lam yajib 'anha jawaban maqna’an
Treatise concerning an answer to a question on which Ibn al-Sama’ al-Baghdadi, the logician was asked and he did not give a convincing answer
Kitab fi taqwim al-sina’ah al-tibbiyyah
Book concerning the reforming of the medical profession
Until Jamad al-Akhir 419 A.H.
Talkhis al-sama‘ al-tabi‘i li Aristutalis
Summary of natural hearing by Aristotle
Natural Sciences
Maqalah fi al-makan wa al-zaman ‘ala ma wajadahu yalzam ra’i Aristutalis fihima
Commentary concerning place and time and the way he viewed them in which he adheres to the opinion of Aristotle
Risalah ila Abi al-Faraj ‘Abd Allah ibn al-Tayib al-Baghdadi al-mantaqi fi ‘adah ma‘an min al-‘ulum al-tabi‘iyyah wa al-alahiyyah
Correspondence to Abu al-Faraj ‘Abd Allah ibn al-Tayib al-Baghdadi, the logician concerning a number of ideas from natural and the theological sciences
Naqd Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ‘ala Abu Bakr al-Razi al-mutabib ra’yahu fi al-alahiyyat wa al-nabu’at
Refutation of Muhammad ibn al-Hasan on Abu Bakr al-Razi, the physician, his opinion on theologies and prophecies
Maqalah fi ibtal ra’i min yara anna al-‘izam markabah min ajza’ kul juz’ minha la juz’ lahu
Commentary by him (Abu Bakr al-Razi) on the falsifying of the opinion of those who think that bones are of compound parts, each part not being divisible
Maqalah fi lahu amal al-rasd min da’irah afaq balad ma'lum al-‘ard
Commentary by him (Abu Bakr al-Razi) concerning observation of the circle of the horizon from a place of known latitude
Kitab lahu fi ithbat al-nubuwat wa idah ra’i aladhina ya’taqiduna butlaniha wa dhakara al-farq bayn al-nabi wa al-mutanabi
Book by him (Abu Bakr al-Razi) concerning the confirmation of prophecy and the clarifying of falsehood of those who believe in the invalidity and he mentioned the difference between the prophet and the false prophet
Maqalah fi idah taqsir Abi ‘Ali al-Hayati fi naqdihi ba‘d kutub Ibn al-Rawandi wa luzumhu ma alzamahu ayahu Ibn al-Rawandi bi hasab usulihi wa idah al-ra’i aladhi la yalzam ma’hu i’tiradat Ibn al-Rawandi
Commentary on clarifying the falling short of the refutation of Abu ‘Ali al-Hayati on one of the books of Ibn al-Rawandi and his adherence to what Ibn al-Rawandi taught him according to original forms which Ibn al-Rawandi gave to him and then clarifying the opinion in which he does not keep to the counter-arguments of Ibn al-Rawandi
Risalah lahu fi ta’thirat al-luhun al-musiqiyyah fi al-nufus al-hayawaniyyah
Treatise on the effects of musical melodies on animate souls
Maqalah fi anna al-dalil aladhi yastadal bihi al-mutakalimun ‘ala huduth al-‘alam dalil fasid wa al-istidlal ‘ala huduth al-‘alam bi al-burhan al-idtirari wa al-qiyas al-haqiqi
Commentary that the evidence in which the theologians used to indicate the creation of the world is corrupted evidence and the seeking of information concerning the creation of the world is by compelling proof and true analogical deduction
Maqalah lahu yarad fiha ‘ala al-Mu‘tazilah ra'ihim fi huduth safat Allah tabarik wa ta‘all
Commentary in which he refutes the opinion of the Mu‘tazilah concerning the occurrence of the attributes of God
Risalah lahu fi al-rad ‘ala al-Mu‘tazilah ra’ihim fi al-wa’id
Treatise concerning the refutation of the Mu‘tazilah concerning their views on the warning promise
Jawab lahu ‘an mas’alah handasiyyah su’ila ‘anha bi Baghdad fi syuhur sanah thaman ‘ashrah wa arba‘ miyyah
Answer in regards to a geometrical problem in which he was asked in Baghdad in the months of the year 418 H
Maqalah thaniyah fi abanah al-ghalat mimin qada anna Allah lam yazal ghayr fa‘il man fa‘ala
Second commentary in which he clarifies the error of one who decreed that God continued acting and stopped acting
Maqalah fi ib‘ad al-ijram al-samawiyyah wa aqdar a’zamha
Commentary concerning the distances of the heavenly bodies and their sizes
Talkhis kitab al-athar al-‘alawiyyah li Aristutalis
Summary of book of higher traces by Aristotle
Talkhis kitab Aristutalis fi al-hayawan
Summary of book of Aristotle’s on animals
Natural Sciences
Maqalah fi al-miraya al-muharigah mufradah ‘ama dhakartuhu min dhalika fi talkhis kitabi Uqlidis wa-Batlamyus fi al-manazir
Commentary on two rays of light meeting from burning mirrors aside from what I mentioned in the summary of the two books of Euclid and Ptolemy on optics
Natural Sciences
Kitab fi istikhraj al-juz’ al-‘amali min kitab al-Majusti
Book on the extrapolation of practical information from the book of Almagest
Maqalah fi jawhar al-basr wa kayfiyyah wa qa’al absar bihi
Commentary on the essence of vision and how sight occurs
Natural Sciences
Maqalah fi al-rad ‘ala Abi al-Faraj ‘Abd Allah ibn al-Tayib ra’yihi al-mukhalif bihi li ra’i Jalinus fi al-quwa al-tabi‘iyyah fi badan al-insan
Commentary on the refutation of Abu al-Faraj Abdullah ibn al-Tayib and his differing view on the physical forces in the human body which differs from Galen’s view
Natural Sciences
Until Dhu al-Hijjah 429 A.H.
Maqalah fi hay’at al-‘alam
Commentary on the configuration of the world
Maqalah fi syarh musadarat kitab Uqlidis
Commentary on the premises of Euclid’s elements
Kitab al-manazir
Book of optics
Natural Sciences
Maqalah fi kayfiyyat al-arsad
Commentary on the method of observations
Maqalah fi al-kawakib al-haditha fi al-jaw
Commentary of the stars occurring in the atmosphere
Maqalah fi daw’ al-qamar
Commentary on the light of the Moon
Maqalah fi samt al-qiblah bi al-hisab
Commentary on the determination of the direction of the qiblah by calculation
Maqalah fi al-hala wa qaws quzah
Commentary on the halo and the rainbow
Maqalah fi ma ya’rid min al-ikhtilaffi irtifa’at al-kawakib
Commentary on what appears of the differences in the heights of the stars
Maqalah fi hisab al-mu‘amalat
Commentary on the calculation of accounting
Maqalah fi alrukhama al-ufuqiyya
Commentary on the horizontal sundial
Maqalah fi ru’yah al-kawakib
Commentary on the viewing of planets
Kitab fi birkar al-qutu’
Book concerning the compass of shapes plane/conic section
Maqalah fi marakiz al-athqal
Commentary on the centers of gravity
Maqalah fi usul al-misahah
Commentary on the principles of measurement
Maqalah fi misahat al-kura
Commentary on the measurement of the sphere
Maqalah fi al-mujassam al-mukafi
Commentary on the measurement of the paraboloidal solid
Maqalah fi al-maraya al-muhriqa bi al-daqa’ir
Commentary on spherical burning mirrors
Maqalah fi al-maraya al-muhriqa bi al-qutu’
Commentary on paraboloidal burning mirrors
Maqalah mukhtasarah fi al-ashkal al-hilaliyya
Short treatise on crescent-shaped figures
Maqalah mustaqsat fi al-ashkal al-hilaliyya
Longer treatise on crescent-shaped figures
Maqalah mukhtasarah fi birkar al-dawa’ir al-‘izam
Short treatise on the compass of great circles
Maqalah mashruhah fi birkar al-dawa’ir al-‘izam
Expand treatise on the compass of great circles
Maqalah fi al-samt
Commentary on direction
Maqalah fi al-tanbih ‘ala mawadi’ al-ghalat fi kayfiyyat al-rasd
Commentary on errors in the method of observations
Maqalah fi anna al-kura awsa’ al-asykal al-mujassama allati ihtatuha mutasawiya wa-anna al-da’irah awsa al-asykal al-musattaha allati ihatatuha mutasawiya
Commentary on that the sphere is the largest of the solid figures having equal perimeters and that the circle is the largest of the plane figures having equal perimeters
Maqalah fi al-manazir ‘ala tariqah Batlamyus
Commentary on optics according to the method of Ptolemy
Natural Sciences
Kitab fi tashih al-a‘mal al-nujumiyyah maqalatan
Book on the corrections of astrological operations, two treatises
Maqalah fi istikhraj arba‘ khutut bayn khatayn
Commentary on on the extrapolation of four lines between two lines
Maqalah fi tarbi‘ al-da’irah
Commentary on the quadrature of the circle
Maqalah fi istikhraj khatt nisf al-nahar ‘ala ghayat al-tahqiq
Commentary on determination of the meridian with the greatest precision
Qawl fi jami‘ al-ajza’
Discourse on all fractions
Maqalah fi khawas al-qat’ al-makafi’
Commentary on the special characteristics of the parabola
Maqalah fi khawas al-qat’ al-za’id
Commentary on the special characteristics of the hyperbola
Maqalah fi nasab al-qasa al-zamaniyyah ila irtifa‘ha
Commentary on the relationship of temporal arcs to their elevation
Maqalah fi kayfiyyat al-azlal
Commentary on the formation of shadows
Maqalah fi an ma yara min al-sama’ huwwa akthar min nusfha
Commentary on that which one sees of the sky is more than half of it
Maqalah fi hall shukuk fi al-maqalah al-ula min kitab al-Majusti yushakkiku fiha ba‘d ahl al-‘ilm
Commentary on the solution of difficulties in the first book of Almagest which a scholar has raised
Maqalah fi hall syakk fi mujassamat kitab Uqlidis
Commentary on the solution of a difficulty in the part of Euclid’s book dealing with solid figures
Qawl fi qismat al-miqdarayn almukhtalifayn al-madhkurayn fi al-syakl al-awwal min al-maqalah al-‘ashirah min kitab Uqlidis
Discourse on the division of the two unequal magnitudes mentioned in proposition one of book tenth of Euclid’s book
Mas’alah fi ikhtilaf al-nazar
Problem relating to parallax
Qawl fi istikhraj muqaddamat dil’ al-musabba‘
Discourse on the lemma for the side of the heptagon
Qawl fi qismat al-khatt alladhi ista‘malahu Arshimidis fi kitab al-kura wa al-ustuwana
Discourse on the division of the line used by Archimedes in his book on the sphere and cylinder
Qawl fi istikhraj khatt nisf al-nahar bi zill wahid
Discourse on determination of the meridian by means of one shadow
Maqalah fi ‘amal mukhamis fi marba‘
Commentary on putting of a pentagon into a square
Maqalah fi al-Majarrah
Commentary on the Milky Way
Maqalah fi istikhraj dil’ al-mak‘ab
Commentary on the extrapolation of a cube
Maqalah fi adwa’ al-kawakib
Commentary on the light of the stars
Maqalah fi al-athar alladhi fi al-qamar
Commentary on the marks which are on the Moon
Qawl fi mas’alah ‘adadiyyah
Discourse on an arithmetical problem
Maqalah fi i’dad al-wafq
Commentary on the even numbers
Maqalah fi al-kura al-mutaharakah ‘ala al-sath
Commentary on the sphere moving on a surface
Maqalah fi al-tahlil wa al-tarkib
Commentary on analysis and synthesis
Maqalah fi al-ma‘lumat
Commentary on the known things
Qawl fi hall syakk fi al-maqalah al-thaniyyah ‘asyar min kitab Uqlidis
Discourse on the solution of a difficulty in book twelfth  of Euclid’s book
Maqalah fi hall syukuk al-maqalah al-ula min kitab Uqlidis
Commentary on the solution of the difficulties in book first of Euclid’s book
Maqalah fi hisab al-khat’aynan
Commentary on the calculation of two errors
Qawl fi jawab mas’alah fi al-misahah
Discourse on the answer to a problem on measurement
Maqalah mukhtasarah fi samt al-qiblah
Short treatise on the direction of the qiblah
Maqalah fi al-daw’
Commentary on light
Natural Sciences
Maqalah fi harakah al-iltifaf
Commentary on the rotating movement of winding motion
Maqalah fi al-rad ‘ala min khalifhu fi mahiyyah al-majarrah
Commentary on the refutation of whoever disagrees with him concerning the nature of the Milky Way
Maqalah fi hall syukuk harakat al-iltifaf
Commentary on solution of difficulties relating to the movement of winding motion
Maqalah fi al-syukuk ‘ala Batlamyus
Commentary on the dubitation in Ptolemy
Natural Sciences
Maqalah fi al-fuz’ alladhi la yatq jazza’
Commentary on atomic parts
Natural Sciences
Maqalah fi khutut al-sa‘at
Commentary on the lines of the hours
Maqalah fi al-qarastun
Commentary on the qarastun
Natural Sciences
Maqalah fi al-makan
Commentary on place
Qawl fi istikhraj a‘midat al-jibal
Discourse on the determination of the altitudes of mountains
Maqalah fi ‘ilal al-hisab al-Hindi
Commentary on the defects of Indian arithmetic
Maqalah fi a‘midat al-muthallathat
Commentary on the altitudes of triangles
Maqalah fi khawas al-dawa’ir
Commentary on the properties of circles
Maqalah fi syakl Banu Musa
Commentary on the proposition of Banu Musa
Maqalah fi ‘amal al-musabba‘ fi al-da’irah
Commentary on putting a heptagon in a circle
Maqalah fi irtifa’ al-qutb ‘ala ghayat al-tahqiq
Commentary on the determination of the height of the pole with the utmost precision
Maqalah fi ‘amal al-binkam
Commentary on the construction of the water clock
Maqalah fi al-kurah al-muhariqah
Commentary on the burning sphere
Qawl fi mas'alah ‘adadiyyah mujassamah
Discourse on an arithmetical problem in solid geometry
Qawl fi mas’alah hindisiyyah
Discourse on a geometrical problem
Maqalah fi surat al-kusuf
Commentary on the shape of the eclipse
Maqalah fi a‘zam al-khutut allati taqi’ fi qit’ah al-da’irah
Commentary on the greatest of the lines which occur in the sector of a circle
Maqalah fi harakat al-qamar
Commentary on the movement of the Moon
Maqalah fi masa’il al-talaqi
Commentary on the problems of talaqi
Maqalah fi syarh al-irthimadiqi ‘ala tariq al-ta‘liq
Commentary on the explanation of arithmetic by means of commentary
Maqalah fi syarh al-qanun ‘ala tariq al-ta‘liq
Commentary on the explanation of law by means of commentary
Maqalah fi syarh al-Rumantiqi ‘ala tariq al-ta‘liq
Commentary on an explanation of Greek concepts by means of commentary
Qawl fi qismah al-munharaf al-kuli
Discourse on the division of the complete oblique
Natural Sciences
Maqalah fi al-akhlaq
Commentary on ethics
Maqalah fi adab al-kitab
Commentary on the etiquette of the book
Kitab fi al-siyasah
Book on politics
Ta‘liq ‘alaqahu Ishaq ibn Yunis al-mutabib bi Misr ‘an Ibn al-Haytham fi kitab Diyfantus fi al-siyasah al-jabar
Appended commentary of Ibn al-Haytham on the book of Diophantus concerning the algebraic problem of which Ishaq ibn Yunis, the physician of Egypt
Qawl fi istikhraj mas’alah ‘adadiyyah
Discourse on the extrapolation of an arithmetical problem

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